Strategic Plans

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  • Creator
  • #719
    Steve Joul

      We were recently asked about the content of our strategic plans.  We have a pretty simple approach to strategic planning at CommunityGiving.  We work with each of our community foundation partners on an annual basis to create a simple strategic plan around three key outcome areas:

      Community Impact
      Asset Growth and Development
      Board/Volunteer Engagement

      Under each outcome area we set measureable goals.  Our Executive Directors include these goals as part of the overall goals in their individual work plans.  We assess progress as part of their annual review process.

      The Board also reviews the progress at the annual strategic planning retreat and either refines or sets new goals in each of these areas.

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    • Author
      • #721
        Heather Logelin

          Thanks, Steve. I’d be interested to hear – or, if you’re willing to share, to see copies of – other community foundations’ strategic and/or work plans. In particular, I’m interested in seeing how you’ve approached setting high-level SMART goals or objectives. I don’t struggle to come up with measurables for the specific strategies and actions in our work plan, but am struggling to create high-level SMART objectives to support our strategic goals. Thanks! Heather

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