How many times should my page be posting new content?

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How often does your community foundation post on social media?

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  • Once every two weeks 0% 0 votes
  • Weekly 100.00% 1 vote
  • Daily 0% 0 votes
  • Twice a day 0% 0 votes


  • Creator
  • #636
    Courtney Schmidt

      There is so much data out on this topic of marketing that it’s hard to decipher what to follow.  As a community foundation, our “to do” lists are often too long and trying to keep up with current recommendations for social media posting is far too difficult and overwhelming.

      There is also something to be said about quality content.  I don’t think that we want our pages filled with posts about “Happy National (insert obscure item) Day!”. And cultivating quality content is time consuming.

      I feel pretty good if we can post twice a week but that doesn’t always happen.  I’m curious to hear what others philosophies on community foundation social media posting is.

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    • Author
      • #653
        Karina DeJong

          I think posting once a week, is a goal for us. If we have strong content, two is great…with a couple of days in between! As you said, I like the content to have meaning, but I also like to add in some fun things to engage people who may just skim past our posts. I think daily posting can cause for the potential of losing followers and if the quality is not there, it may have an effect on how people view your foundation. I will say post your people..your faces! Our most engagement is when people recognized a friendly face, so when you can, include your community to show your impact.

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